A Kimura disease case with buccal mucosa involvement
Case Report
P: 113-116
June 2008

A Kimura disease case with buccal mucosa involvement

Turk Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2008;46(2):113-116
1. Department of Otorhinolaryngology&Head and Neck Surgery, Adana Teaching and Medical Research Center, Baflkent University Faculty of Medicine, Adana
2. Department of Pathology, Adana Teaching and Medical Research Center, Baflkent University Faculty of Medicine, Adana
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 14.05.2007
Accepted Date: 02.10.2007


Kimura disease is a chronic idiopathic disease which is usually presented with lymphadenopathy or subcutaneous masses involving head and neck, frequently accompanied by peripheral blood eosinophilia and elevated serum Ig E level. A 52- year-old female presented with recurrent oral cavity lesions for 5 years. There was a 3 cm x 2 cm lesion on the right buccal mucosa which had white patchy areas surrounded by erythematous, vascular tissue. Histopathologically lymphocytes forming follicles surrounded by an inflammatory infiltrate with eosinophilia and fibrosis was observed. We report this case because the diagnosis was made histopathologically and it was seen in a female patient.


Kimura hastalığı baş boyunu tutan lenfadenopati ve subkütan kitleler ile karakterize, sıklıkla periferik kanda eozinofili ve yüksek serum Ig E düzeyinin eşlik ettiği kronik idiopatik bir hastalıktır. 52 yaşında bayan hasta beş yıldır reküren ağız boşluğu lezyonları nedeniyle başvurdu. Sağ yanak içi mukozasında 3 cm x 2 cm eritemli vasküler dokuyla çevrili beyaz yama alanları mevcuttu. Histopatolojik olarak follikül oluşturan lenfositler, bunları çevreleyen inflamatuar hücreler ile eozinofili ve fibrozis gözlendi. Bu olguyu sunmamızın nedeni tanının histopatolojik olarak konulması ve olgunun bayan hastada görülmesidir.